Thursday May 23, 2024

27- How to Teach Kids to Hear God's Voice and SO much More! Jennifer and her Oldest Daughter Samantha Share Together

Welcome to Episode 27 of the Front Parking Spot Podcast, designed for faith-fueled moms embarking on a spiritual journey that transcends motherhood. This episode features our host, Jennifer Bosma, in a heart-to-heart conversation with a special guest, Samantha, her firstborn, and a committed mom of three.

Samantha's devotion to her children and her unyielding faith in God are truly inspiring. During this episode, she opens up about her experiences in motherhood, delving into her relentless strive to spiritually enrich her family despite the challenges of raising three children under five.

You will listen to her nuggets of wisdom on how to weave God's teachings into daily activities, divert children from negativity, and the significance of faith-based affirmations. Samantha touches on maintaining a kind, loving aura within her family, in spite of the everyday hurdles.

This episode is complete with valuable tips for moms at different stages of motherhood, encouraging a lean into God's love and nurturing a faith-founded household. It serves as a timely reminder that with God, there is enough grace for all moms, aiming not for perfection, but a divine promise.

Immerse in the heartening dialogue between mother and daughter in the thick of parenting, grappling with day-to-day challenges, yet standing firm in their faith. This episode is chock-full with knowledge to cultivate a spiritual family, shared with a blend of edifying lessons, emotive instances, and practical tips.

Discover how the power of prayer and faith shapes day-to-day life and how Psalm 91 earns a place in your hearts, providing a shield of peace and protection for you and your children. Learn to recognize God's voice and use faith as an armor against fear, illuminate the significance of the acronym 'False Evidence Appearing Real' in battling fear.

Get a glimpse into strategies of incorporating prayer into daily rituals, exemplifying the importance of instilling prayerfulness in children from an early age. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom, epitomizing the profound bond between mother, daughter, and their steadfast faith in God. Fortify your faith, recognize the power of prayer, and master the art of spiritually shielding your family in everyday encounters.

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Follow Jennifer on Instagram @frontparkingspot

Are you looking for a book for the next baby shower with the "bring a book instead of a card." request? Order a copy of Jennifer's book, I Know the Plans, at:

Christian children's books for all kids! — Jennifer Bosma

Thanks, Moms, for listening. Please share with others! Have an Ephesians 3:20 day as you go for the Front Parking Spot in your life today!

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