Tuesday May 21, 2024

26-A 90-Year-Old Moms Life Lessons with Special Guest Joan Richter

Welcome to an enriching episode of the Front Parking Spot Podcast. This is a safe haven for faith-based moms eager to nourish their spiritual foundation in raising a family. In episode 26, our host, Jennifer Bosma, introduces a special guest, her 90-year-old mother, Joan, a proud mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. In a heartfelt exchange, Joan shares timeless wisdom about faith, family, and forgiveness, gleaned from her robust life experiences.

Joan's tale is a testament to the immense power of faith. She generously shares how her unshakeable trust in God gave her the strength to overcome life's stormy periods, such as her husband's struggles with alcoholism and a faltering business during a recession. Joan's unwavering faith during tribulations serves as a poignant reminder that with patience, prayer, and determination, we can weather any storm.

If you're a mom navigating life's challenges or seeking reassurance of God's love and protection, Joan's faith-moving journey and life lessons will provide encouragement. Join us as Joan delves deep into personal stories of raising children, upholding faith, and managing life's ups and downs.

Joan’s insights emphasize the valuable role faith plays in a family, the power of shared meals to fortify relationships, and the importance of living in the present moment, away from distracting gadgets. Her heartfelt advice for future generations also underscores unchanging truths about faith, love, and parenting.

As we traverse life's crossroads, take heart in Joan's 'rocking chair test', an introspective exercise allowing you to resonate with your future self's possible regrets. This resounding episode serves as a tender reminder that faith and family remain paramount in raising children well, steering through life's decisions, and persistently striving for life's front parking spot, despite the odds.

Subscribe to Jennifer's website at www.jenniferbosma.com

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Follow Jennifer on Instagram @frontparkingspot

Are you looking for a book for the next baby shower with the "bring a book instead of a card." request? Order a copy of Jennifer's book, I Know the Plans, at:

Christian children's books for all kids! — Jennifer Bosma

Thanks, Moms, for listening. Please share with others! Have an Ephesians 3:20 day as you go for the Front Parking Spot in your life today!


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